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Q: Who was king vortigern of Britain?
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Between the fifth century and when the Saxons controlled half of Britain, ruled by King Vortigern.

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Who was the British king that asked for aid from the Angles and Saxons in the fifth century?

Vortigern. Delamare! Vol.1

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In the Arthurian legend, it is almost always his illegitimate father Uther who was king before him. In most legends, Aeuralius Ambrosius was king before Uther, and before him it was Vortigern.

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Horsa was the brother of Hengest, a 5th century warrior who played a key role in the Anglo-Saxon invasion of Britain. Together, the two brothers led the Anglo-Saxon mercenaries who were hired by the British king Vortigern.

What has the author Vortigern Crancocc written?

Vortigern Crancocc is a fictional character created by author Daniel Pinkwater. Vortigern Crancocc appears in Pinkwater's book "5 Novels," which is a collection of five different stories. The character is known for his quirky and humorous adventures in the quirky world of Pinkwater's imagination.

Who ruled camelot before King Uther Pendragon?

Uther was one of three sons of Constans, the King of Briton. Upon Constans' death, Vortigern, a usurper to the throne, became king and was soon defeated by Uther

King of the Britain's in King Arthur's time?

King Arthur was king of Britain

Did vortigern invite the Anglo-Saxons England?

There is a story that Vortigern invited the Anglo-Saxons to England. On the other hand, he may simply have been hiring mercenaries to help him in his conflict with other local leaders.

Did vortigern invite the Anglo-Saxons to England?

There is a story that Vortigern invited the Anglo-Saxons to England. On the other hand, he may simply have been hiring mercenaries to help him in his conflict with other local leaders.

Who was king of Britain in 1861?

There was no King, Britain was ruled by Queen Victoria.

Who was crowned king of Britain in 1907?

Edward VII was the king of britain in 1907