

Who was married to Clytemnestra?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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Clytemnestra was married to Agamemnon.

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Q: Who was married to Clytemnestra?
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Why did Clytemnestra kill her husband?

Clytemnestra is sometimes said to have married Tantalus before Agamemnon, and that Agamemnon forcibly made her his wife after killing her infant child and Tantalus, Agamemnon further sacrificed Iphigenia, their daughter, to Artemis before setting off to Troy. Revenge would thus be a good motivation. Orestes and Electra later avenged their father by killing their mother Clytemnestra and their step father, Aeschylus.

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Who killed Clytemnestra?

Clytemnestra was killed by her son, Orestes. This is because it was a son's duty to kill his father's killers, and Clytemnestra had helped to kill her husband, Agamemnon.

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How did Clytemnestra die?

She and her lover Aegisthus stabbed him to death in the bath.

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His wife was Clytemnestra. She killed him upon his return from Troy

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Kill Him...

What war was clytemnestra awaiting for her husband to return from?

Clytemnestra was waiting for her husband Agamemnon to come back from The Trojan War.