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United States Secretary of State William H. Seward was mocked for the purchase of Alaska, which was nicknamed Seward's Folly.

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Q: Who was mocked for the purchase of Alaska?
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William H Seward secured the purchase of Alaska from what country?

Russia owned what is now Alaska, the 49th state of the US. Many of Seward's critics mocked the purchase. However, looking back it can be seen to have been a wise purchase by Seward.

What country did William H Seward secure the purchase of Alaska from?

Russia owned what is now Alaska, the 49th state of the US. Many of Seward's critics mocked the purchase. However, looking back it can be seen to have been a wise purchase by Seward.

What did William H. Seward secured the purchase of Alaska from?

Russia owned what is now Alaska, the 49th state of the US. Many of Seward's critics mocked the purchase. However, looking back it can be seen to have been a wise purchase by Seward.

Where was the location of the Alaska Purchase?

The state of Alaska was the Alaskan purchase

Seward's folly was a name given to the?

America's purchase of Alaska The purchase of Alaska Sec. of State Seward from Russia. It was thought that there was lillte to nothing in Alaska to warrent the purchase. Discoveries of gold and oil have shown his detracters wrong.

Who negotiated the purchase of Alaska from Russia?

William Seward negotiated the purchase of Alaska from Russia.

How did US purchase Alaska?

they bought alaska from russia

Which came first Alaska's purchase or Louisiana's purchase?

Louisiana Purchase occurred 1803 and Alaska Purchase occurred in 1867. So obviously, Louisiana.

Who is Seward's Folly?

Secretary of State William Seward who negotiated the purchase of Alaska from Russia.

What goal of William H Seward was to?

Purchase Alaska from Russia (apex)

What was the purchase of Alaska for 7200000 dollars called by Americans?

Alaska Purchase is the correct name, but to Seward's opponents in was called Seward's Folly.

This is what the people of the US called Sewrd's purchase of Alaska because they thought it was a mistake?

The purchase of Alaska was called "Seward's Folly," or Seward's Icebox." The purchase of Alaska was called "Seward's Folly," or Seward's Icebox."