

Who was on the moon a little bit after Neil Armstrong?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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Buzz Aldrin

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Q: Who was on the moon a little bit after Neil Armstrong?
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What did neil Armstrong think when he got to the moon?

His feeling that is Neil Armstrongs was a amazing feeling of finally landing on the surface of the moon, but it was a bit scary as the two of them were all alone on the moon, and the future trip was uncertain.

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Neil Armstrong's family came from Ohio. Armstrong is famous for his career as an astronaut and his family moved quite a bit before and after he was born in Ohio.

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It looks a little bit different because the moon has different phases.

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Neil Armstrong, first and foremost a father, husband, accomplished engineer and aircraft pilot - is a proud father of two boys: Eric (Rick) - born 1957, and Mark, born 1963. Also had a baby daughter who was with his father only three years (Karen, born 1959), then moved to Heaven, a bit farther than the Moon his father has visited in 1969.

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Its a little bit colder than in the Earth

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it looks like a moon a little bit and has a lot of holes and dark gray

Mercury does not have enough gravity to hold this?

ya it has a little bit less gravity than the moon. its........floaty..........

Des the moon have more then one color?

The Moon is normally pretty white, with a little grey. When dust or soot are in the sky, it sometimes colors the Moon as reddish or bluish. When the Moon is just rising or setting, it looks red because of the air refracting the light a little bit.

Why after you come back from the moon for a little bit you have a hard time walking?

You have to readjust to the Earth since you are heavier here.