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Q: Who was people who take power by force and rule with total authority?
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What did Roman dictators do?

They took power by force and ruled with total authority.

What is a person who takes power by force and rule with total authority?

A despot.

A person who takes power by force and rules with total authority is?

a person who rules by force

What is total authority called?

Total authority is commonly referred to as absolute power or absolute authority, where an individual or entity has complete control and decision-making power over a specific domain or situation.

A total ruler who takes power by force?


How does a dictatorship differ from a democracy?

The definition of a dictator is one who rules with total power; typically, this power is obtained by force. In a democracy, the people of the country vote for what they want instead of being told everything by a dictator.

When did Julius caesur come to power?

Julius Caesar came to total power in 48 BC after the Battle of Pharsalus, when he defeated Pompey. However, previously he had been a counsul, which was a position of authority but counsular authority did not carry the supreme power that Caesar gained as a dictator.

What term applies to a king-queen or emperor with total power?

Absolute Monarchy is the type of government that has a king, queen, or emperor that has total authority.

How is power distributed in different forms of government?

In a totalitarian government, the dictator (often called a tyrant) has total power. He/She has the highest authority in the government. In a monarchy, it is Parliament that has highest authority. Yes, the King or Queen answers to someone else. In a republic and/or democracy, the politicians listen to the people of the country, and the senate or congress has the highest authority. I know what you are thinking, "But the president has the highest, that is why he/she is president." Trust me, the president has to listen to Congress. Congress can veto a president's veto, which mean that it has higher authority in the government. In an anarchy, no one has power. It's just mass chaos and disorder.

How do you calculate not in the labor force?

You can calculate the labor force by calculating how many people are working, retired and underage. You then use this figure to subtract from the total number of people in the nation.

What do you call someone who takes over you?

Dictator: a ruler with total power over a country, typically one who has obtained power by force. That's what Adolf Hitler was.

What did people do to stop political corruption?

There are different types of corruption and as such there are different forms of prevention. For instance, you can create a systems of checks and balances to ensure the books are accurate. You can force those who are in political offices to announce every gift to the public.