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Q: Who was responsible for improving the size and quality of animals in the agricultural revolution?
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What happened in the agriculture revolution?

before the Agricultural Revolution communities were moving place to place to find more food and animals after the Agricultural Revolution the communities found that they can domesticate their animals and crops. Then the communities started to build permanant settlements.

What is an agricultural revolution?

Agricultural revolution is when people began to domesticate plants and animals resulting in a reliable food supply. Many inventions were created during this time period, helping to invoke the industrial revolution.

What was neolithic agricultural revolution?

The revolution that occurred in the neolithic age. The shift from hunting of animals and the gathering of food to the keeping of animals and the growing of food on a regular basis.

What was the agricultural Neolithic revolution?

The revolution that occurred in the neolithic age. The shift from hunting of animals and the gathering of food to the keeping of animals and the growing of food on a regular basis.

During what period in history did plants and animals domesticate and human population grow rapidly?

The agricultural revolution

What age was agricultural revolution in?

The agricultural revolution began around 10,000 years ago during the Neolithic period, marking a shift from hunting and gathering to farming and domestication of plants and animals. This revolution laid the foundation for more settled societies and the development of early civilizations.

What occured during the agricultural revolution of the neolithic era?

During the agricultural revolution of the Neolithic era, humans transitioned from hunter-gatherer societies to settled agricultural communities. This shift led to the domestication of plants and animals, allowing for a more reliable food supply, population growth, and the development of permanent settlements. The agricultural revolution fundamentally transformed human societies by enabling the rise of complex civilizations and specialized labor roles.

What is the Neolithic or agricultural revolution?

The Neolithic Revolution was a period of transition from hunting and gathering to settled agricultural societies. It marked the development of farming, domestication of animals, and the establishment of permanent settlements. This revolution led to significant changes in human societies, including the growth of population and the emergence of complex social structures.

What are the two discoveries during the Agricultural Revolution?

The two key discoveries during the Agricultural Revolution were the development of agriculture and the domestication of animals. These innovations allowed humans to shift from a nomadic lifestyle to settled communities, leading to the growth of civilizations.

Where did the agricultural revolution begin?

The agricultural revolution is believed to have started independently in multiple regions around the world, including the Fertile Crescent in the Middle East, China, Mesoamerica, and the Andes. Each region developed their own domesticated plants and animals that led to the shift from hunter-gatherer societies to settled agricultural communities.

When did agricultural take place?

The shift to an agricultural lifestyle, also known as the Agricultural Revolution, began around 10,000 years ago. It marked a significant transition from hunting and gathering to the cultivation of crops and the domestication of animals, leading to settled communities and the development of civilizations.

Which was a result of the neolithic revolution?

The neolithic revolution led to the transition from nomadic lifestyles to settled agricultural communities. This shift allowed for the development of permanent settlements, the domestication of plants and animals, and the beginnings of complex societies.