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Appalling cruelty had been a deliberate feature of the very first Nazi concentration camps since the establishment of the camp at Dachau in March 1933, and was copied at all the Nazi camps. Moreover, the Nazis had no respect at all for their opponents and victims: they didn't even regard them as human. The whole Nazi regime was based on brutality without limits, unspeakable cruelty and inhumanity. That, rather than the often mentioned blue eyes and blonde hair, was at the very heart of Nazism.


Hitler called the Jews, especially, as the untermenschen: more or less = "sub-human".

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Q: Who was responsible for the cruelty at Auschwitz?
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It had 3 sections. Auschwitz-I, which served as a working camp. Auschwitz II-Birkenau, the death camp. Auschwitz-III, it was used to provide slave labor to the nearby industry.

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From early 1942 Auschwitz operated as both. The only other camp that served as both a concentration camp and extermination camp was Majdanek.

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Auschwitz is located in Poland.