

Who was stronger in 1941 Japan or the United States?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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16y ago

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In 1941 Japan was stronger in the quality and quantity of aircraft carriers, battleships, cruisers, destroyers, submarines, torpedos (long lance), sea planes, fighter plane, and combat experienced land armies (from fighting in China). In 1941 the US had less than quality and/or less in number (quantity) of aircraft carriers (with trained aircraft/crews), less trained sailors/commanders aboard the cruiser, destroyers, submarines, and the worst torpedoes in all of WWII. Less effective fighter planes (the Brewster Buffalo & P-40 War Hawk, Wild Cat) and untested sea-planes and airmen. America's land army/marines hadn't seen combat since WWI (other than some Central/South American actions in the 1920's); and these two forces were VERY small. Once the ball got rolling however, the US was twice as big and twice as good as both Germany and Japan were combined, even before Germany and Japan suffered any losses. Said another way; "if" America was as strong as it was in 1945...IN 1941, the United States would have defeated both Germany and Japan put together IN 1941! As it was in real life (actually happened), the US and it's allies were losing the war up until about 1943, we won some battles in 1942, but victory was in the air by '43.

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Q: Who was stronger in 1941 Japan or the United States?
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