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Sir Winston Churchill- he took over as Prime Minister in 1940, after Sir Neville Chamberlain resigned as a result of the British retreat from Dunkirk the previous year.

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Q: Who was the British prime minister that opposed the policy of appeasement and led Great Britain through ww2?
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London is in Britain, so citizens of London are British. More specifically, they might regard themselves as English (as opposed to Scottish, Welsh or Irish).

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Not alot of people opposed Hitler in Germany , if they did oppose him and spoke out about it , they would be killed. If you lived in Germany at the time Hitler ruled , you had to follow him or death was next for you. So many people did start to folow him and be his servants. Others that opposed kept it to them selves , but deep down inside many people hated Hitler

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Winston churchill opposed Neville chamberlain's policy of appeasement which he deemed?

Winston Churchill opposed Neville Chamberlain's policy of appeasement because he saw and new what Hitler was doing and new that he was getting stronger, he stood up and said this but was the only one who did so...He didint say appeasement was a bad idea he just thought after Hitler had broken his promises a couple of times he thought that they should have stopped and used aggression and stopped Hitler while they could.