

Who was the British prime minister who set up sugar acts?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Glen Grenville

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Q: Who was the British prime minister who set up sugar acts?
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The Prime Minister acts pretty much, like the President in the States does. However, in Canada, the Prime Minister is held accountable by the Governor General, who is the British Queen's representative in Canada. The Governor General can dissolve parliament, if necessary, and declare elections as needed.

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Minister whose clever attempt to impose import taxes?

George Grenville was the British Minister who enforced the Navigation Act and passed the Sugar, Stamp, Currency, and Quartering Acts. These acts were meant to cover the expenses and debt of Britain at the expense of the American people.

What was the british reactions to the sugar acts?

The British placed a tax on sugar, wine, and other important things.

Who made the sugar act?

The British Parliment passed the Sugar Act, the Intolerable Acts (Cohersive Acts), and the Stamp Act.

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The pariament punished Boston by passing the intolerable acts. They wanted colonists to pay for the lost tea. Sources: history book

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Malawi has a president, who also acts as head of government.

What is The prime minister?

Many countries have a Prime Minister (especially if they're based on the UK parliament) as the Head of Government. The Prime Minister is in charge of the Executive branch of government and is involved with legislation, while an elected President or a Monarchy acts as a figurehead of the country.

What are all the british acts?

the british acts were: navagation acts the proclimation of 1763 sugar act(1764) quartering act(1765) stamp act(1765) townshend acts(1767) tea act(1773) intolerable acts(1774)

Does the prime minister of France choose the laws?

Not exactly. The Prime Minister of France acts as the head of the Legislature, and appoints cabinet ministers who oversee departments and their program budgets. The President of France may veto laws.

How did the british government anger the american colonists?

there are theTownshend Acts ,the Quartering Acts, the Tea Acts, the Stamp Acts, Sugar Acts and Intolerable Acts.