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Q: Who was the Chinese philosopher that taught about the importance of respect for parents?
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Who was a philosopher known for his emphasis on responsible relationships and respect for parents?


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What do Chinese respect?

Parents, Elders, Family

Who is conficious?

Conficious was a renowned Chinese thinker or philosopher that did much work especially on the importance maintaining old customs that has much respect for humanity and nature as a whole that later lead to stronger families and states.

What is the concept of filial soceity?

It means when Chinese children respect their parents and older relatives

What person taught that all should do their duty to their family and community?

Confucius, a Chinese philosopher, taught the importance of fulfilling one's duty to family and society. He emphasized the principles of filial piety (respect for elders) and the importance of maintaining social harmony through individual responsibilities and obligations. Confucianism has had a significant influence on East Asian cultures and ethical systems.

What is the attitude of respect and devotion to one's family observed in Chinese society called?

The attitude of respect and devotion to one's family observed in Chinese society is called filial piety. It is a deeply ingrained cultural value that emphasizes the importance of honoring and supporting one's parents and ancestors. Filial piety involves fulfilling responsibilities towards family members and prioritizing their well-being and happiness.

What does the Chinese symbol for respect look like?


How do you respect your parents?

You respect your parents by honoring in what they say or do, even if you don't agree with them.

How do you say respect in Chinese?


Why do Chinese people say their last name before their first?

In many Asian cultures, including Chinese culture, the surname is given greater importance than the given name. It is a way to identify and show respect to one's family lineage. Therefore, it is customary for Chinese people to say their last name before their first name as a sign of respect and to emphasize their family identity.

How did the Manchus earn the respect of the Chinese?

by sucking the little chinese nuts.