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Bartolomeu Dias was the Explorer you seek.

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Q: Who was the European explorer that led the first voyage down Southern Africa?
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What and the significance of bartolomeu dias and voyage in 1487?

Bartolomeu Dias was a Portuguese explorer who sailed around the Cape of Good Hope in 1487, becoming the first European to reach the southern tip of Africa. This voyage was significant because it demonstrated to Europeans that it was possible to sail from Europe to Asia by rounding the southern tip of Africa, opening the way for future exploration and the establishment of trade routes to the East.

What did explorer bartholemeu dias do in 1487?

Bartolomeu Dias led the first European expedition around the southern tip of Africa, now known as the Cape of Good Hope, in 1487. This voyage opened the way for further exploration and trade routes to Asia by sea.

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The Portuguese explorer Pedro Álvares Cabral was the first European to voyage to Brazil in 1500.

Who discovered the southern most tip of Africa?

A Portuguese explorer by the name of Bartholomeu Diaz was on a voyage to find a passage to the Far East when he discovered South Africa; he sailed around it and landed near Cape Aghulas. This was the first reported "discovery" of South Africa by a European; in actual fact South Africa has been inhabited for thousands of years by the indigenous peoples of the area (Khoi San and other groups).

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1487 who discovered the southern tip of Africa?

Although the Portuguese explorer Bartolomeu Dias departed on his expedition in 1487, it was in 1488 that he discovered the southern tip of Africa. He discovered the Cape of Good Hope during his 1487-1488 voyage.

Why you need to remember bartolomeu dias to day?

Bartolomeu Dias, a Portuguese explorer, is remembered today for being the first European to round the Cape of Good Hope in southern Africa in 1488. This achievement opened up a sea route to India, transforming global trade and exploration. Dias's voyage paved the way for future European explorers and their interactions with other parts of the world.

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What nation did bartolomeu dias represent?

Bartolomeu Dias represented Portugal. He was a Portuguese explorer who sailed around the southern tip of Africa, known as the Cape of Good Hope, in 1488. This voyage opened up a sea route from Europe to Asia.

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Christopher Columbus is the explorer who landed in San Salvador in 1492. He was a famous Italian explorer who sailed under the flag of Spain and is credited with discovering the Americas. His voyage marked the beginning of the European colonization of the New World.

What was Bartolomeu dias achievements?

Bartolomeu Dias was a Portuguese explorer who was the first European to sail around the southern tip of Africa, now known as the Cape of Good Hope, in 1488. This voyage opened up the sea route from Europe to India via the Cape, paving the way for future exploration and trade in the region. His achievement helped to establish Portugal as a major maritime power in the Age of Discovery.