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Q: Who was the Founder of Buddhism known as Buddha or Enlightened One?
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Who is the founder or prophet of Buddhism?

The Buddha was an Indian Prince, Siddhartha Gautama, who lived in the 5th century BCE. He became known as the "Enlightened One" (the Buddha) when he understood the cause of suffering and the way to end suffering.

How is Siddhartha Gautama also known?

He was Buddha. The founder of Buddhism.

Who is a founder of Buddhist religion?

Siddhārtha Gautama was the founder of the Buddhism. After arriving at an enlightened state of mind, he was known as Gautama Buddha. Buddha developed the methods of reaching enlightenmnt/nirvana and emphasized the middle path between the rejection of worldly and material concerns and over-concern with them.

Who is the founder of bhuddism?

Lord Buddha is the founder of Buddhism. He was known as Buddha because he had gained knowledge (Buddh).

What is Siddhartha gautama famous for?

He is the founder of Buddhism. He is also known as Buddha.

Who is the Buddhist founder?

The man who became known as the Buddha is the founder of Buddhism. He is generally known nowadays as Siddhartha Gotama.

What means Enlightened One?

Gautama Buddha was known as the "Enlightened one" as well as Karma

Who is saddhartha gautama?

That is the name we have for the man who became known as the Buddha.

Who is known as light of Asia?

Gautama Buddha, founder of Buddhism is considered 'The Light of Asia'.

What was buddha for?

The Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama, is known for discovering the way things are and becoming enlightened and then teaching them to others. Form his teachings the religion Buddhism came to be.

Who Found Buddhism or also known as Buddha or Enlightened One?

Siddhartha Gautama Buddha is the founder of Buddhism. The Buddha wanted to find a way out of suffering,death for himself and after finding out a way and ending suffering for himself, he started teaching others the same, and organized the community of monks and nuns. Siddharta Gautama founded Buddhism in 560 BC.

Who is a great teacher of Buddhism?

One of the great teachers ofBuddhism was the Buddha. The Buddha who became enlightened through nirvana and meditation later taught about the Four noble Truths, and the Eightfold path. In fact, the Buddha(known as Siddhartha Gautama) was the founder of Buddhism.