

Who was the Leader in Germany who started Holocaust?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Adolf Hitler

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Q: Who was the Leader in Germany who started Holocaust?
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Why was the Holocaust associated with Germany?

Have you ever heard of Hitler? He was the Nazi leader which is often considered as Germans which is a big stereotype. Hitler started the Holocaust so that is the connection___The Holocaust was carried out by men in German uniforms acting on orders passed down from their leaders. To put it simply: It was Germany that committed the Holocaust.

Nazi Germany's leader who was responsible for the Holocaust?


Who was the leader of Germany Italy during the holocaust?

Hitler / Mussolini

Is Adolf Hitler a civil rights leader if not who was?

No, he was the leader of Germany during WW2 and responsible for the Holocaust.

The leader of Germany during the time of the Holocaust was named?

Adolf Hitler

Does Germany hate the US?

Because of the Holocaust? No. Because if I did, that's what started the Holocaust in the first place.

Why did all Jews got blamed if only one had started the holocaust?

No jew started the holocaust Hitler blamed them for the surrender of Germany in WW1.

Who ruled Germany during the Holocaust?

There were threee main powers.... Hitler was the leader of Germany, Mussolini was the leader of Italy and HiroHito was the leader of Japan --- Please don't treat World War 2 and the Holocaust as the same thing! The Holocaust took place during World War 2, but there was much more to World War 2 than the Holocaust. Japan, for example, was not involved in the Holocaust at all ...

What started with A at the holocaust?

Auschwitz (the largest concentration camp, located in Poland) The Allies (the countries Canada, U.S.A., Great Britain, France, who fought against Germany) Adolf Hitler (the leader of Nazi Germany at the time)

Why was Adolf Hitler important to the Holocaust?

HE was the one who started the holocaust. The reason Adolf Hitler was so important was because he was the leader of Nazi Germany, also because he started the Second World War he invaded Austria, Czechoslovakia and Poland. He also had millions of Jews executed.He started the war because he wanted to rule the world.

Is the holocaust the reason the world war started?

No, it started due to Germany's invasion of Poland in September 1939.

When did the holucaust start?

Holocaust started 1941 and ended 1945, when Germany surrendered.