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Robert R. Livingston was one of the Committee of Five that the Second Continental put together to write the Declaration of Independence; however he did not contribute anything to its content and he did not sign it either. He did vote for adoption of the final draft on July 4, 1776, but only John Hancock and Charles Thomson, the Secretary of the Convention, signed on that day. The document was prepared for signatures by the other delegates, most of whom signed it on August 2, 1776. The ironic thing about Livingston is he never got to sign it. He was recalled to New York before August 2 and simply wasn't there to sign it even though he was on the Committee to write it.

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First, you have to know that John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, Roger Sherman, and Robert Livingston were all on the Declaration committee. Between these men Benjamin Franklin was the one of the prominent member of the continental congress and helped frame the Declaration of Independence. :D I guess this will help... Your welcome. :):)

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Q: Who was the Massachusetts delegate who helped write the Declaration of Independence?
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Ben Franklin helped write the declaration of independence?

yes he did he helped write it

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