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The prophet named is Muhammad (peace be upon him) and he is an Arabic prophet and not Persian. Prophet Muhammad called his people to Islam.

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Q: Who was the Persian prophet that developed a monotheistic religion that influenced others?
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What was the religion that developed during the Persian Empire?

Zoroastrianism was the religion that developed during the Persian Empire. It was founded by the prophet Zoroaster and promoted the worship of Ahura Mazda as the supreme deity. Zoroastrianism influenced later monotheistic religions like Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

Is the Persian religion monotheistic or polythiestic?

The main religion in Persia (Iran) is Islam. It is a monotheistic religion. Many people use the term "Persian Religion" to refer to Zoroastrianism, which is the historic Persian religion. Zoroastrianism is a monolatrous form of henotheism. It does not fit into the binary of monotheism/polytheism.

Were the Persians monotheistic or polytheistic?

Monotheistic, because the Persian religion was Zoroastrianism which is a monotheistic religion

How was the Persian religion different from others?

A:The Persian religion, Zoroastrianism, at the time of the Babylonian Exile was different from the others, with the possible exception of Judaism, in that it was monotheistic.

What was the legacy of the Phoenicians?

Their monotheistic beliefs inspired Judeo-Christian religion. Their development of alphabetic writing system was adapted by the Greeks. Their system of legal codification was adopted by reomans. Their establishment of Bureaucratic state influenced political structure of Persian Empire.

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Zoroastrianism was a monotheistic religion that originated in the Persian Empire and had followers in the Fertile Crescent.

IS Muslim Persian same religion?

No Muslims are people who follow the religion of Islam and Persian is not an religion its a ethnic group.

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The event that influenced Aeschylus's life was the Persian invasion.

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Persian culture.

What religion are Persian Americans?

Persian Americans can have any religion. Typically, they are either Islamic because of their Persian background or they are Christian because of America but they can also be Atheists, Pagans, Hindus, Buddhists or any other religion.

What was a new religion that develope during daruis rule of the Persian Empire?

Zoroastrianism was the new religion that developed during Darius's rule of the Persian Empire. It was founded by the prophet Zoroaster (Zarathustra) and emphasized the worship of Ahura Mazda as the supreme deity and the belief in a cosmic struggle between good and evil.