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Abraham Lincoln was the president when Abraham Lincoln was the president.

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Q: Who was the President during Abraham Lincoln's presidency?
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Related questions

What are the names of Congress members during Abraham Lincolns presidency?

This is available on many websites devoted to US political history.

What was Abraham lincolns occupation during the civil war?

President of the United States of America.

What was a major legislation during Abraham Lincolns presidency?

Emancipation Proclamation was historically, immensely significant; without it, our country would be completely different.

What Important historical event that occurred during Abraham Lincolns term as president?

The American Civil War.

What was Abraham lincons reputation during presidency?

Abraham Lincolns reputation was an honest man though the south succeeded from the union because of his election to form the Confederate states of America

What were Lincolns post presidency activities?

Lincoln was assassinated during his presidency, so he never had any "post-presidency" activities.

Did the war of 1812 take place during the presidency of Thomas Jefferson?

No, the civil war started when Abraham Lincoln was president

What was Abraham Lincolns approval rating?

It was the lowest approval rating during that century

How was the economy during Lincolns presidency?

Lincoln wanted the south to come and be a united state again.

What issues did president Andrew Johnson deal with during his presidency?

The death of Abraham Lincoln, the end of the Civil War, Reconstruction and personally, alcoholism.

Who was john mock as to president lincolns body guards during president lincolns visit to new york city?

Who where the body guards for president lincoln during his visit to new york city?

What where some songs written during Abraham Lincolns time?

la la la ....................