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Pontius Pilate

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Pontius Pilate was the Roman official who condemned Jesus to die by crucifixion. He served as the prefect of the Roman province of Judea during the time of Jesus' trial and crucifixion.

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Q: Who was the Roman official who condemed Jesus to die?
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Roman official who condemned Jesus to die?

Pontius Pilate

Who was the roman official who tried Jesus and sentenced?

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How did Jesus die for real?

Jesus Christ died on a Roman Cross, by crucifixion.

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According to the gospels, Jesus died in the Roman province of Judea.

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According to Roman records, yes.

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The official date for the fall of the western Roman empire is 476 AD.

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Jesus was put to death to die for our sins. If Jesus didn't go to the cross we as human beings would not be able to ask God for forgiveness for all our sins. But Jesus rose again. Hallaelujah Brother!

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The Roman occupation effected everyone, not just Jesus. But the Romans played a crucial part in the fulfillment of the Messiahs' mission. He was destined to die a horrible death. The Jewish leaders of the day used the iron fist of Roman law to try and then execute Jesus.

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