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Q: Who was the anti-war candidate in 1968?
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Was Lyndon B. Johnson at the 1968 democratic convention?

he 1968 Democratic National Convention was held in Chicago and Hubert H. Humphrey was selected as the presidential candidate. But the was a great deal of dissension inside the convention over the Vietnam War. There were also bloody antiwar demonstrations on the streets and in the parks of Chicago. (link)

In 1968 antiwar protesters and police clashed outside the?

Democratic National Convention in Chicago Illinois .

Who were two antiwar candidates for the democratic party's presidential nomination in 1968?

Eugene McCarthy & Robert Kennedy

Socialist leader who won nearly a million votes as a presidential candidate while in federal prison for antiwar activities?

Eugene V. Debs

Who were the two antiwar candidates for the democratic party's presidential nomination in 1968?

Eugene McCarthy, junior senator from Minnesota was the first active anti-war candidate. He was so successful in the early primaries that the incumbent president, Lyndon Johnson, dropped out of the race and Sen. Robert Kennedy from NY became another anti-war candidate, more or less.

The Chicago mayor who had the police out in force against antiwar activists at the democratic national convention in 1968 was?

Richard J. Daley

Who was antiwar candidate for president in 1968?

Eugene McCarthy, Senator from Minnesota was the first to challenge Johnson for the nomination and he was anti-war. His success encouraged Bobby Kennedy to enter the race against Johnson's war policies. (The Democrats failed to take the hint and nominated Johnson's VP Humphrey who lost.)

Who was Norman Thomas?

Norman Thomas (1884-1968) was a minister and an antiwar and civil rights activist. He was the leader of the Socialist Party of America.

Why did antiwar democrats protest the convention?

Yippies carried out demonstrations in the streets outside the 1968 Democratic Convention. Chicago Police attacked them. Anti-War Protesters were trying to influence the Democratic Convention to choose a Peace Candidate to end the war in Vietnam which had escalated rapidly under LBJ.

Who ran as a thirded candidate in the 1968 election?

Gorge wallace