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Q: Who was the apostle that stayed with Jesus until he died?
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John was the only apostle at the cross when he died.

Where was Saul when Jesus was alive?

Saul (who later became known as the apostle Paul) was in Jerusalem and played a role in the persecution of early Christians during the time Jesus was alive. He did not meet Jesus in person until after Jesus' death and resurrection on the road to Damascus.

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Actually Jesus died first so he could not tell the apostles anything when they died.

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NO ... John the Baptist died before Jesus. The Virgin Mary went with the Apostle John to Ephesus.

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Yes The Apostle Paul didnt start to follow Jesus until after He had ascended into heaven.

Which apostle was the beloved disciple who sat next to Jesus during the Last Supper?

The apostle called the beloved disciple by Jesus was the disciple John, who was the youngest of all the disciples. And also died last , as ,many were killed. before theoir time John sat with Jesus on the table next to Jesus.

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No they stayed together until he died then she died

What happened when the last apostle died?

Well The last apostle that died was John , and he died more people became followers of so some started to forget Jesus and others thought he was a Fail so they left his side. Many people still have faith that Jesus would help so they became Saints and all.

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No- he was never divorced.

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Never. He stayed working until the day he died.

Christ paul writes died for the?

It seems like your question is incomplete. Are you asking about the belief that Jesus Christ died for the sins of humanity as written in the teachings of the Apostle Paul in the New Testament of the Bible?

When Jesus died who was given to Mary as a son?

When Jesus was on the cross and just before he died, he told the Apostle John that he was now her son and she was his mother. Jesus was telling John to take care of his mother. Mary also had other children but Jesus made a point of telling John to care for her.