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Q: Who was the clever greek hero that the gods punished for being arrogant?
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Who was the clever Greek hero whom the gods punished for being arrogant?

There were quite a few such as Arachne who was turned into a spider for boasting and Icarus for the same reason, although some say his death was to punish his father Daedalus for creating wings and using them to fly when this was a power for the gods alone. Wonder what they'd say about aeroplanes?!

Who is Atlas in Greece?

He was a Titan who fought against the Greek gods, so he was punished by being forced to hold the sky for eternity.

Why Cali bus punished by Zeus?

There is no "Cali bus" punished by Zeus in Greek myth.

How is antigone arrogant?

In Greek times, woman were considered property. They were not allowed to have or express opinions. Antigone's blatant disregard of this made her "arrogant" in Creon's eyes.

Was Hera the queen of the gods?

She was a Greek or Roman (not sure which) goddess Hera was a Greek goddess (the Roman is Juno). She hadn't a reputation for kindness, but was jelous and ruthless because of her husband (Zeus') infidelities. She punished those who he had sexual affairs with and their children. However, she was clever and seductive.

What special talents did the Greek god Hermes have?

he is luckey and clever

How did the greek god zeus punished who disobeyed him?

Zeus punished people for disobeying him in a number of ways. He punished Io by turning her into a cow and punished Atlas by making him hold a giant bolder for eternity.

What is the personality of Greek god Hermes like?

Hermes is known for being clever, mischievous, and quick-witted. He is also viewed as a messenger of the gods, a protector of travelers, and a bringer of good luck. Hermes is often depicted as a youthful and playful deity with a penchant for trickery and invention.

Why was Promethean from the Greek Gods punished?

It was Prometheus, not Promethean, the Greek Titan god of forethought, and he wanted to give humans better lives. He was ultimately punished because he stole fire from the Gods and shared it with humans.

What are the traits of Hermes?

Being Very cunning, shrewd and lying....

Can a Greek god be killed by another Greek god?

no they're immortal but he could be punished for all eternity i suppose

Who punished those who took the lives of family members in greek mythology?

The Erinyes.