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His name was Antony van Leeuwenhoek.

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Q: Who was the dutch scientist who invented the microscope?
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Why was the first microscope invented?

the microscope was originally invented so that scientist could get a better look at cells

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Who was the dutch scientist who first saw microorganisms under a microscope?

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What did the scientist who invented the microscope use to magnify blood?

He used a compound light microscope

What 17th century dutch inventor invented the microscope?

The inventor of the microscope was not dutch, but dutch inventor Anthony van Leeuwenhoek improved it alot. he was the first to see individual cells.

Who was the dutch scientist who observed microscopic life using the microscope that he developed?

Antoni van Leeuwenhoek

History of compound microscope?

Though there are no definite facts, it is believed either Galileo Galilei, Zacharias Janssen, or Hans Lippershey invented the compound microscope. Christiaan Huygens was a Dutch scientist who created a compound microscope using achromatic lenses that lessened the skewing and blurring of magnified images.

Around which time period was the microscope invented?

In 1590 the first compound microscope is invented. The Chinese had been using a water microscope since about 2000 BC. Galileo Galilei and Cornelius Drebbel are two scientist who invented different versions of the microscope.

What year was the micropscope invented?

A Dutch father and son named Zach and Hans Janssen created the first light microscope in 1590. The electron microscope was invented in the 1930's. The scanning electron microscope was invented in the 1980's.

If dutch scientist was the first person to observe microscopic life using a microscope that he developed what was his name?

Anton Leeuwenhoek.

What was Antony's microscope called?

Antoine van Leeuwenhoek was a Dutch scientist who worked on microbiology. He's noted not for inventing the microscope, but for improving it. In one instance, when he presented a microscope to Peter the Great, he called it an 'eel-viewer'.