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The explorers name was Meriwether Lewis

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Q: Who was the explorer that was trained by Jefferson?
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i don't know but i think Jefferson Davis

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I would say through his military career in Ireland. Apart from that he had no other training as a explorer.

Why did david Thompson become an explorer?

David Thompson became an explorer because he had a passion for adventure, mapping new territories, and expanding geographical knowledge. He was also hired by the North West Company to survey and map the fur-trading routes in North America.

How did Thomas Jefferson propose that men be trained for military service?

By making military training a part of a college education.

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astronaught that is the pilot\explorer they need to be trained for everything piloting the craft and maintaining it.

What was the name of the Military training ground for Jefferson Davis and George meade?

Both were regular army officers trained at West Point.

Was Thomas Jefferson a land surveyor?

Yes, Thomas Jefferson was a land surveyor. He was trained and practiced as a surveyor early in his career and even created the original plan for the city of Washington D.C.

Did Thomas Jefferson have a mocking bird in the White House?

Thomas Jefferson had a pet mockingbird named "Dick" which he kept in the White House study. The bird often rode on Jefferson's shoulder and was trained to take small bites of food held between Jefferson's lips at mealtime!

Which President kept two grizzly bears in cages on the White House lawn?

Explorer Zebulon Pike sent a live pair of grizzly bear cubs to Thomas Jefferson at the White House. Jefferson put them in a cage and placed them on the front lawn. In this way, Jefferson showed Americans that new and exciting worlds beyond the Mississippi were waiting to be discovered.

What would Charles Sturt be doing if he wasn't an explorer?

Charles Sturt was a trained surveyor. If not exploring, he would have continued surveying new land for roads and cities.