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Q: Who was the father of intelligence?
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Why is Moses considered the father of intelligence?

He isn't.

Who was father of intelligence testing?

Alfred Binet is often credited as the "father of intelligence testing" due to his development of the first intelligence test in the early 20th century. Binet's work laid the foundation for modern intelligence testing and the concept of measuring cognitive abilities.

Why albert binet consider as a father of intelligence testing?


Why Albert binet is the father of intelligence?

He created the first form of an intelligence test named the Binet test, and what we now know as the IQ test.

Who is consider as the father of computer science and artificial intelligence?

The direct answer is John McCarthy

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Who is considered The father of computer science and artificial intelligence?

Alan Mathison Turing

What is an invention by a queer engineer?

Alan Turing is considered the father of theoretical computer science and artificial intelligence.

Information about Athena?

Athena is the Greek god of wisdom or intelligence. Her father was said to be Zeus, but she doesnâ??t have a mother.

How did Alexander the great show intelligence?

He figured out his father's horse was scared of his shadow by noticing which way it looked when it was getting scared.

Do children inherit their smart from mother or father?

Yes intelligence is part genetic but socialization is much more influential in the long run.