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Patrick healy of georgetown university

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Q: Who was the first African American college president?
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Who was the first female African American college president?

there wasn't one

Who was the first African-American President of an Ivy League School?

The first African-American President of an Ivy League Institution was Ruth J. Simmons. Simmons became the 18th president of Brown University in 2001, and still holds this position today.

Is there an African American president?

Yes there is,Barack Oboma was the first African American president.

Who was the first african american vice president?

The US has never had an African-American Vice President.

What African American people have ran for president?

The 44th president is the first African American is, Barak Obama.

Who is the first African American president of the Unioted States?

Barack Obama is the first American president with any certified African ancestry.

Was Barack Obama the first African American nominee for president?

He was the first African-American nominee for President from a major political party.

When was the first African American elect national ffa president?

In 1977, the first African American elected National FFA President.

Who was the first minority president?

The first minority President is President Barack Obama. He is half African American and Caucasian. Most people refer to him as African American.

Which president was the first to include African Americans on his inauguration?

who was the first president to include African American in the inguration

Was there an African American president before?

Not until 2008. Barack Obama was the first African-American president in US history.

What was Barack Obama was the first African American president of?

Barack Obama was the first African American president of the United States. He served as the 44th president from 2009 to 2017.