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Gerald Ford is the first and only vice-president chosen by the process of Amendment 25. He was chosen by Nixon to replace Agnew who was forced to resign.

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Q: Who was appointed the first vice president under amendment 25?
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First vp to be to be appointed under amendment 25?

Gerald Ford was the 1st Vice-President to be appointed under Amendment 25.

He was the first vice president to be appointed under amendment 25?

Gerald Ford

What amendment for a court appointed lawyer?

In the United States, access to a court-appointed attorney is a defendant's right under the 6th Amendment.

When was the only time that neither the president or the vice president were elected?

1974-77. Gerald Ford and Nelson Rockefeller had both been appointed under the provisions of the 25th Amendment.

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I guess you are asking about the 13th amendment, Grant would have been president and the executive branch isn’t nominated by the amendment.

Appointed to the office of vice president under the authority granted by the Twenty-fifth Amendment?

Nelson Rockefeller. He was nominated by Ford to be VP 1974. The answer is NOT Gerald Ford.

What made Gerald Ford famous?

He became Vice President and then President without being elected by the electoral college. He was appointed VP under the terms of the 25th amendment after Spiro Agnew resigned. He then became President when Richard Nixon resigned.

Who was the first pres and vice pres of the US?

Gerald Ford was the first vice-president who was not elected to the position.He later became the president when President Nixon resigned his office, so I suppose you could say he was appointed President. (Nelson Rockefeller was the only other appointed vice-president. He was appointed to replace Ford after Ford moved up to President. )

The twelfth amendment guarantees that the president and vice president will be from the same?

The Twelfth Amendment under the current party system guarantees that the president and vice president will be from the same party.

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Forrestal was the very first Secretary of Defense, under Harry Truman.

Who was the first person to become president under the 25th amendment?

The U.S. Presidency has been vacated only once since the 1967 ratification of the 25th Amendment. That was on August 9, 1974, when President Richard M. Nixon resigned and Vice President Gerald R. Ford took his place. The first person to become U.S. President after the 25th Amendment was ratified (if that's what you mean) was Richard M. Nixon.

Who appointed the first female ambassador?

Frances E. Willis, the first female full ambassador, was first appointed as a field service officer to Switzerland in 1953 by President Dwight Eisenhower. John F. Kennedy was President when she reached the rank of full ambassador (to Ceylon) in 1962. The question is too vague to say definitively whether DDE or JFK was the one who appointed her as the first female ambassador -- DDE first appointed her, but she wasn't a full ambassador until nine years later under JFK.