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Q: Who was the first country to declare was during World War 1?
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Germany actually did not encourage Austria-Hungary to declare with Serbia since it was not the first country to declare war on another during World War I. Austria-Hungary and Serbia were the first countries to enter World War I, only weeks before Germany joined in to help Austria-Hungary and the other Central Powers.

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. Which country was the first to declare war?


Which was the first country to declare war on another country at the outbreak of World War 1?

Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia after the assassination of Arch-Duke Ferdinand starting WWI

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When did Jews declare war on Germans in their own country before World War 2 per crystal nights?

well Germany did declare war against the Jews but it was the Jews who decleared financial war first in March 1933

Who declared war in World War I?

Germany was the first country to declare war on Serbia in World War 1. The other countries were pulled into the war because the had alliances with either Serbia or Germany.

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Tanks were first developed and used in combat by the British during World War I