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Q: Who was the first human body ever found?
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No human has ever been to Pluto. In fact, no human has ever been beyond the Earth's orbit.

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Osmosis works in the human body by transporting the water through the kidneys, blood and stomach. It occurs where ever there is water in the body.

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Vampires are fictional. No vampire has ever been found.

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Michael's body was never missing.

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well, we dont exactly know because what ever human there wasnt smart enough to keep the history to know

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how ever old you r

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The biggest tape worm ever found in a human body was 2 metres long and approximately 5 centimetres thick , To exterminate the worm . The patient had to entice to worm out of the stomach cavity with a piece of raw flesh , dangling just outside of the mouth . The worm then couldn't resist raw flesh and travelled up the oesophagus and out of the body .

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No; In now way could a human heart ever provide enough blood for a horse's body.

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The first instrument known to mankind, is the human voice.