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The first telescopic observations of Mercury were made by Galileo in the early 17th century.

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Q: Who was the first modern astronomer to view mercury using a telescope?
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Galileo was the first astronomer to use what?

Galileo first used a telescope to observe the sky.

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Why was Galileo the first astronomer?

He was not the first astronomer; there were plenty before him going back to the Babylonians at least. Galileo, however, was the first to use a telescope.

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Galileo in 1609

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Galileo Gailei is the first person credited with using the telescope for astronomical observations. He did not invent the telescope. He is the first to have seen moons going around Jupiter, the rings of Saturn (though he incorrectly identified them), and that the Moon had cliffs and craters.

Who was the first astronomer to make major discoveries using the telescope?

Probably Galileo Galilei (Astronomer and Physicist, 1564 -1642)

Who was the astronomer who first used a telescope to observe the moon?

Galileo Galilei (from italy)

Who was the first astronomer to use a telscope?

Galileo Galilei first used a telescope to look at the stars in 1609.

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The first astronomer to study the planet Jupiter with a telescope was none other than Galileo.

Who was the first astronomer to use a telescope for viewing the universe?

Galileo I am not so sure he was the first, but he is the most famous.

Astronomer who created a mercury thermometer?

In 1714, Gabriel Fahrenheit invented the first mercury thermometer.......The Celsius scale, invented by Swedish Astronomer Anders Celsius (1701-1744)

What the first telescope?

The first telescope didn't look exactly like the ones that we see today, but it was improved though by the famous astronomer Galileo. The first one is said to have been made about 500 years ago.