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Q: Who was the first nation to become an imperial power as a result of the industrial revolution?
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How would you define an industrial region?

having highly developed industries; "the industrial revolution"; "an industrial nation"

What are primary industrial regions?

-primarily having having highly developed industries; "the industrial revolution"; "an industrial nation"

How did the Industrial Revolution contribute to sectionalism?

The Industrial Revolution impacted sectionalism because it brought the era of goods to the nation and the parts started to divide.

Why was the US able to become industrial nation?

The wants of Alexander Hamilton

How did factors of production contribute to the Industrial Revolution in great Britain?

The factors of production contributed to the industrial revolution. The improvements in the process of productions (land,labor and capital) so more people were inventing new tools or machinery which led to a great amount of products in other words it was the industrial revolution. England is said to be the nation where the industrial revolution began in the early 18th century.

By the beginning of the 1900s the had become the leading industrial nation in the world?

United States

What resources did Britain have that allowed it to lead the Industrial Revolution?

England had natural resources to help her become a leader in the industrial revolution. England was rich in coal, iron ore, and good harbors to facilitate trade. Also, English colonies provided valuable raw materials such as lumber and cotton.

How did Industrial Revolution effect society politics and economy?

The Industrial Revolution affected many aspects of American society and politics. For example, prior to the Industrial Revolution, most of the country's population lived an agrarian lifestyle. Jobs in the cities, brought on by industrialization, shifted that population density to the cities. A wealthy middle class grew out of the startups and entrepreneurial opportunities of the period. It also brought on social problems, such as inadequate housing, poverty, crime, and child labor. Politicians began to court many in the immigrant working classes, understanding the power of the masses.

When did the Industrial Revolution start in Germany?

Around 1835, Germany had begun to copy Great Britains Industrial ways. Germany imported British equipment as well as engineers to Germany. However, the ones who could afford it would send their sons or go themselves to study in England to learn Industrial management and so forth. Germany had a rocky start becoming an Industrial nation because it was disunitied, in other words it was not a nation but states. However, Otto Von Bismarck would later on unite Germany and it would become a leading nation with both a thriving economy and a strong military.

What country had become the leading industrial nation in the world by the beginning of the 1900s?

United States, swag!