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I believe, is was Crispus Attucks .

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Q: Who was the first person to die in the Boston massicre?
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Who as the first person to die in the boston massacre?

crispus attaks

Who was the first person to get shot in the Boston massacre?

Crispus Attucks was the first to die at the Boston massacre

Who is the first person to die during the Boston massacre?

Crispus Attucks was the first to die, he died instantly after he was shot.

What black man were the first to die at the Boston Massacre?

I'm sure that the first person to die the the Boston Massacre was a black man named (I may not spell it correctly) Crispus Addickus.

Who was the first black person to die in the Boston massacre?

Crispus Attucks was the only black man to die because of the Boston Massacre.

Who was the first person to die in Boston massacre?

no one knows whas it ms jackson

Who was the the first American to die in the revolutionary war?

Crispus Attucks was the first person killed during the American Revolutionary War. He was killed during the Boston Massacre.

Who was the youngest person to die in the Boston massacre?

Samuel Maverick

Which black person was killed in the cause of American independence?

Crispus Attucks is typically believed to be the first black person to die in the cause of American liberty. He was a casualty in the Boston Massacre.

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Why did crispus attucks fight in the revolutionary war?

hey just wanted to i guess the easy way to say it =)

The first person you kill is the second to die the second person you kill is the first person to die what are you?
