

Who was the first person to found garnet?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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Garnets have been used as beads since at least 3000 BC.

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Q: Who was the first person to found garnet?
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Related questions

Who found the first garnet?

The answer to that question is lost in antiquity. Garnets were known to man before writing was invented.

When was garnet birthstone found?

in the ground

When was the New York garnet was found?

The Barton Garnet Mine was established in 1878. The NY Subway Garnet, the best-formed crystal ever found in the state, was discovered during sewer excavation in 1885.

What kind of rock is garnet?

Garnet is a mineral most often found in high grade metamorphic rock.

What is an anthill garnet?

A garnet dug up by ants and deposited in their ant hill. Usually found in Arizona.

What type of metamorphic rock is garnet found in?


Where can you purchase garnet jewelry for cheap?

Garnet jewelry can be found in South Africa for cheap because of the cheap miners found there. It is very expensive in the states so I hope you take my advice and enjoy it.

What two places in the world is the star garnet found in?

Star garnets are so rare that thus far they have only been found in two places in the world: in the state of Idaho in the USA, and in India. The garnet varieties that occasionally exhibit asterism are almandine and a mixture of almandine and pyrope garnet.

What is the birthstone for the month January?

The birthstone for the month of January, is Garnet. Garnet is primarily found in Africa and is worth between $40 - $1 000 USD

How do you make garnets shine?

normally garnet is already pre shined but if u just found some than you would use nail polish remover this worked for the garnet i found , it shouldn't ruen it

Who was the First highly paid athlete?

Kevin garnet

Where was the garnet birthstone found?

My best friends house in Arcadia ca, 91007