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It is impossible to say who first made the suggestion.

Eratosthenes made a remarkably accurate calculation of the size of the earth around 200 BC. So the ancient Greeks certainly knew the world was a sphere.

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Q: Who was the first person to say that the earth was a sphere?
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Is the earth a spherer?

if youre tring to say sphere than yes it isn't flat

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It is incorrect to say that sphere has lateral area. First sphere do not have sides like other geometric figure. In fact a line or plane can intersect the surface of a sphere in just one point. Sphere has no lateral side. It is enough to say surface area of sphere than lateral surface area of the sphere.

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jesus maybe? the first person that was on the earth people say or his friends or relatives?

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Religion would say Prophet Adam, but science would say none in particular, due to evolution.You choose.

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Is The Earth Flat(For All The Idiots Out There)?

By watching as the Earth also rotates from that view, you can see that the Earth is a rotating sphere and is not flat. Image by NASA. Like the other planets, the Earth is a sphere. It rotates around its own axis slowly but continuously, and completes this rotation about once every 24 hours.

Is planet mars a exact sphere?

No i am sorry to say mars is not an exact sphere. the rocks and boulders and everything on the planet is not an exact sphere