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The Pilgrims founded Massachusetts. It was founded in February of 1788.

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Q: Who was the founder of Massachussettes?
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Why was massachussettes found?

in 1905

What is the state capital of massachussettes?

Boston is the state Capital of Massachusetts .

What city was known as a hot spot for witchcraft?

Salem Massachussettes.

Are blowguns legal in massachussettes?

As of January 2011, they are illegal to own.

Who are the two senators in Massachussettes?

Senators John Kerry and Ted Kennedy

What is the driving distance from Bangor Maine to Tewksbury Massachussettes?

it would be 5452

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Massachussettes is a Patriot State.

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Tituba, the slave who was accused of witchcraft in Salem Massachussettes, was from Barbados.

What city in the United States has become famous because of its association with witchcraft?

Salem Massachussettes.

How many states border Massachussettes?

the expected answer is 5 but actually there are 6 including the united states

What are the natural resources of Massachussettes?

the Atlantic ocean is one and oxygen from trees and soil fish rivers ponds.

What is the Patuxet?

The Patuxet tribe was a tributary of the Wampanoag Confederacy in the area known today as Massachussettes during the 17th Century.