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Q: Who was the founder of the congregation which became the core for the first black denomination in the US?
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Who is the founder of the first black denomination?

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The majority of African Americans are protestants, and their largest denomination is the Baptists. There is a strong history of historically black churches, which means churches where more than half of the congregation is black. They tend to have a different cultural and religious feel that the predominantly white churches of the same denominations.

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Robert L. Johnson is the founder of Black Entertainment Television.

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The congregation responds to Mr. Hooper's black veil by being spooked at first. The soon realize that it is just a phase and that it will soon pass.

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Jean Baptiste Point du Sable was Chicago's founder.

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In "The Minister's Black Veil," the congregation is shocked when they see Mr. Hooper wearing the black veil. At first they felt amazement but this turned to disdain, fear, and superstitious feelings.

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Kenya Jordana James was thirteen when she became the publisher and founder of Blackgirl magazine, whose focuses on promoting positive messages and imagery to Black teens. As of two thousand and fourteen she is now twenty four or five years old.

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When did will-i-am join the black eyed peas?

He didn't join he is the founder. (: