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Q: Who was the french general who escaped to England?
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Who was the leader of the Free French who escaped to England?

Philipe Petain

What French leader escaped to Great Britain and organized the Free French forces?

The general Charles de Gaulle organized the Free French forces from Britain.

Charles de Gaulle?

French General that fled to England and started a government-in-exile.

What French General fled to England?

Charles De Gaulle

Were there many french aristocrats during the french revolution that escaped France?

yes there were some that escaped through back roads to other countries in europe

This french genral fred yo England when Feance fell He became the symnol of the French resistance during the war?

Charles de Gaulle was the French general who fled to England when France fell. He became the symbol of the French resistance during the war.

Who directed the French film A Man Escaped?

Robert bresson

Who to England from France to form an army in world war 2?

During World War Two in May-June 1940, as the German invasion of France was succeeding in defeating the Allied forces in France & the Low Countries, some British, Dutch, Belgian and French (air, ground, and naval) units escaped from the continent to England before France & the Low Countries surrendered. The French forces that escaped to England would become known to the Allies as the "Free French" forces. Also some other French units from around the world would choose to join with the Free French. Those units that were outside of German controlled territory and that did not join the Free French would come under the control of the Vichy French government (a German puppet & collaborationist government).

French general who formed an underground movement known as the Free French?

The French general who formed an underground movement known as Free France was Charles de Gaulle. Specifically, he formed a government-in-exile in England, and from there also coordinated resistance movements within France.

How do you spell England in French?

England - Angleterre'in England' is translated "en Angleterre" in French.

What happened in Paris after Napoleon escaped from from Elba?

When Napoleon escaped from Elba Island the French King Louis XVIII fled from France. In fact the French king left Paris the same day that Napoleon arrived there.

How would you say 'England' in French?

England is called 'Angleterre' in French.