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Q: Who was the guard w 100 eyes that Hermes lulled to sleep with the sound of his flute?
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Is this an onomatopoeia the pitter patter of the rain lulled me to sleep?

Yes, "pitter patter" is an example of an onomatopoeia because it imitates the sound of rain gently falling. The phrase "lulled me to sleep" suggests that the sound of the rain helped relax and soothe the person to sleep.

Can you use lulled in a sentence?

The dog's friendliness lulled him into a false sense of security, until he was bitten. The low crime rate had lulled the homeowners into complacency, and so they left their doors unlocked. The boss lulled us into a false sense of security by saying that our jobs were safe and then let half the staff go.

How do you use the word lulled in a sentence?

As soon as Betty heard a lull in the conversation, she bounced through the door and began to sing her song. She knew that the lull signaled the moment when the adults had run out of small talk.

Who was the roman god of sleep?


How does Hermes fight?

Hermes first tried to lull the giant to sleep with his music, but failing that, slew him with his sword.

What is Hermes most famous for?

He was the god of the sleep and the dreams.

What flute note can put someone to sleep?

A sharp

What can Hermes do with his wand?

With his wand, he can put the waking to sleep or awaken the sleeping. For example, when Hermes put to sleep the many eyes of Argos. And then he basically bored poor Argus to death and his eyes are now the ones of the peacock.

What do you use a flute for in Pokemon sapphire?

it will awake your Pokemon in battle if its a sleep

How you get Cerberus whiskers?

You have to play the flute in the right order to make him go to sleep.

How do you defeat the weird monster inside posidens cave?

just go get a flute and then ask the statue in the place where you get the flute to teach you the song to put him to sleep

How do you catch Pokemon easy on Pokemon emerald?

Pokemon are easily caught is their health is in the red zone, they are poisioned, paralyzed or lulled to sleep. Use ultra balls for more effectivness.Use a Masterball.