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Q: Who was the king of the Aztecs when hernam Cortes invade the land?
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Who was the king of the Aztecs when Hernan invaded the Aztecs?

When Hernan Cortes invaded Tenochtitlan and the Aztec empire, the Aztecs were being ruled by Moctezuma II. Moctezuma was a very religious men so he thought that Cortes was the god Quetzalcoatl coming back to his land. Before the Spanish conquistador came to Mexico, about 9 omens (weird signs or things that happened that meant that a big change was coming) appeared, so Moctezuma thought that those omens meant that Quetzalcoatl was coming back. Later Hernan Cortes used this as an advantage to conquer the Aztec empire.

Why did Montezuma allow Cortes into the capital?

Because he thought he was the god Quetzalcoatl coming back to reclaim his throne. According to the Aztecs, Quetzalcoatl was king in the city Tollan (Tula) until his brother Tezcatlipoca, through treachery and black magic managed to make him step down and go into exile. The Aztecs believed that Cortes was Quetzalcoatl coming back from that exile. PD: Some people claim that this was just a legend created by the Aztecs to find an excuse for their quick fall. This people say that Montezuma II allowed Cortes into Tenochtitlan just because he was unsure of how to act against this newcomers.

Who was the last king of the Aztecs?


What did the Aztecs call their king?


Identify two civilizations from the Americas from before the 16th century?

The Olmecs (no details) The Toltecs (856-1174; One ruler was Quetzalcoatl) The Aztecs (First king Acamapichtli ruled in 1376, dynasty lasted until 1521, when it was overthrown by Cortes)

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Did Hernando Cortes become king?

hernano cortes did become king when he set all of mexico's slaves free from the aztecs. he was king in mexico.

What explorers defeated the Aztecs and conquered Mexico?

Hernando Cortez was the Spanish conquistador that defeat the Aztecs. They used trickery and subterfuge to take the power away from the king of the Aztecs.

What is an interesting fact about hernando cortes?

When Cortes got to Mexico, he tricked the Aztecs into giving him gold. They gave him plenty of gold because they hoped that they would leave. Then, Hernando Cortes heard about a new tribe coming called the Tlaxcalan. They left Tenochtitlan to capture them. They did. On their way back to Tenochtitlan, Velasquez was coming for Cortes to arrest him. They defeated them and used the remains of the armies to capture Montezuma (their King) and made him talk to the Aztecs. The Aztecs were angry and killed Montezuma. The conquistadors had a war with the Aztecs. The Aztecs lost the war and was defeated. Then Cortes left for California.

Why did Hernan Cortes discover the Aztecs?

Don't know what you mean by why. They weren't traveling to the Americas for the Aztecs, they came over to further colonize and were looking at the Yucatan peninsula, where the Aztecs lived, as a prime target for colonization.

Why was Hernando Cortes important?

becasue he went to Mexico to help the Aztecs empireand brought large portions of main land the the king of castile in the 16th centery

Who were the first Europeans to meet the Aztecs?

The Spanish explorers, led by Hernan Cortes arrived at Tenochtitlán, the city of the enemies of the Aztecin 1519. They allied and attacked the Aztecs in 1520. Hernan Cortes and his Spanish party were sent from Cuba. Cortes had convinced the Spanish monarchy that the Aztecs held vast amounts of easily accessible gold and that he would bring it for the King in return for being allowed to become governor of any new government in the region. Although only a small group, Cortes played the Native tribes against one-another and brought disease which crippled the local populations. Cortes eventually arrived in the capital to meet Montezuma, the leader of the Aztecs, when he and his allies attacked the leader and captured the city.

What are some unique facts about Hernando Cortes?

Hernan Cortes conquered the Aztec's capital city, Tenochtitlan (now Mexico) and then he married the Aztec king (Montezuma)'s daughter.

What were Cortes' greatest accomplishments?

Cortez conquered the Aztecs and gave Spain a window into the New World. He also had King Montezuma II killed in order to drive the Aztec people into disarray.

Who was the king of the Aztecs when Hernan invaded the Aztecs?

When Hernan Cortes invaded Tenochtitlan and the Aztec empire, the Aztecs were being ruled by Moctezuma II. Moctezuma was a very religious men so he thought that Cortes was the god Quetzalcoatl coming back to his land. Before the Spanish conquistador came to Mexico, about 9 omens (weird signs or things that happened that meant that a big change was coming) appeared, so Moctezuma thought that those omens meant that Quetzalcoatl was coming back. Later Hernan Cortes used this as an advantage to conquer the Aztec empire.

How did the Aztecs make desicions?

Aztecs had the King decide. such as law and warfare. ALL KING'S DECISION.

What did hernan Cortes do to the Aztec people and their culture?

In 1519, Cortes met Moctezuma. The King gave lavish gifts of gold to the Spanish, but unfortunately this simply excited their desire to plunder. Cortes allegedly first kidnapped the Aztec King, then forced him to serve as a puppet while Cortes ruled the Aztecs. In 1520 Moctezuma was killed. Though the reason is disputed, locals claimed this was due to Moctezuma's inability to placate the locals.

Did the Aztecs have a king named pachuti?

The was the Incas not the Aztecs they had an Emperor