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basicaly they were against anybody who had colored skin including mexicans, black, jews, ect.

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Q: Who was the ku klux klans against?
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What was the ku klux klans goal?

White supremacy.

How do you get to the ku klux klans website?

Googel it and it is spelled google

Are ku klux klans in calhoun Mississippi?

i think there's a KKK group in calhoun

What motivated the ku klux klans use of fear and violence?

an increase in racial, ethnic, and cultural diversity

How did the ku klux klans use of terror interfere with elections in the south?

they threatened to kill blacks and used poll taxes

What were the Ku Klux Klans enemies?

They hate non whites, Jews, Catholic, gays, and i think western and southern Europeans.

Why did the laws passed in congress to stop the ku klux klans violence have limited success?

so the don't kill everybody

What group besiedes African American suffered from Ku Klux Klan attcks?

There were three Ku Klux Klan groups. Republicans were the target of the attacks of the original Ku Klux Klan which formed in 1865. Since Republicans freed the blacks from slavery, blacks wanted to vote Republican, so the use of the Klan by the Democrats kept them in fear of voting. The second and third Klans were hate groups against blacks but also Catholics and Jews.

What is klukluxklan?

The KU KLUX KLAN are people dressed in white robes with conical hats and masks. There were 3 of those klans. one after the second worl war.

Is the ku klux klan a force against racism?

yes it is

Which president took action against the ku klux klan?

President Ulysses S. Grant was the president who took action against the Ku Klux Klan. He helped to pass the Klan Act in 1871.

What did the Ku Klux Klan call themselves?

the ku klux klan