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Q: Who was the last US astronaut to go to space alone?
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Who was the first us astronaut?

Alan Shepard was the first US astronaut and the second person in space.

A person from the US who travels into outer space is called what?

An astronaut.

Who was the first us astronaut to space walk?

Ed White

Who was the first civilian astronaut launched into space by the US?

Neil Armstrong

In June of what year did the first us astronaut walk in space?

1965. The astronaut was Edward Higgins White II and the flight was Gemini 4.

When was the first US space shuttle lunched?

i believe they lunched in 1968, with astronaut food!

What is the them for the rocket man?

A person who goes into space is called an astronaut by the US and a Cosmonaut by the Russians.

What is someone from the soviet union who travels into outer space is a?

Cosmonaut. In the US they are referred to as an astronaut

What was John Glenn?

John Glenn (1921-2016) was a Marine fighter pilot, a test pilot, an astronaut, and a US Senator from Ohio. He was the first American astronaut to orbit the Earth (1962) and the oldest astronaut to fly in space (Space Shuttle 1998, age 77).

Which woman has stayed in space for longest time?

Sunita Williams has stayed in space for 195 days.She is an US naval officer and astronaut.

When did the US first go into outer space?

The Americans went first in space if manned it was in 1961 and Alan. B. Shepherd was the astronaut.

Why do we sent astronaut in the outer space?

Astronauts are exploring the space and the moon , as all of us can not go out there. They are also exploring the space and the moon to find new things.