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The problem with this question is: what do you mean by King? and what do you mean by Before?

1792 France had Kings for a thousand years, then Louis XVI lost his head and was replaced by the First Republic.

1802 Within ten years, this had become a Dictatorship,

1804 ...and then an Empire, under the Emperor Napoleon I. An Emperor, of course, is a sort of KIng.

1814, 1815 When (10 years later again) Napoleon was defeated and dethroned, he was replaced by KING Louis XVIII.

When he died, his brother took over as Charles X, and quite soon he was overthrown

1830 ...and replaced by another King, Louis-Philippe.

1848 ...18 years later, Louis-Philippe was replaced by the Second Republic. So he must be the last King of France before it became a Republic.

Except that the President of the new Republic was another Napoleon,

1852 ...who became Emperor Napoleon III four years later.

1870 However, he was replaced after 18 years by the Third Republic. And, although the French are now on the Fifth republic, there hasn't been another King.


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Q: Who was the last king of France before it became a republic?
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