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Q: Who was the leader known for establishing the church of Scotland?
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What leader of the Protestant Reformation was known for establishing the Church of Scotland.?

John Knox was the key figure of the Scottish Reformation of 1560, but Andrew Melville was more influential in actually developing the Presbyterian system of Church government.

What leader of the Protestant Reformation was known for establishing the Church of Scotland?

John Knox was the key figure of the Scottish Reformation of 1560, but Andrew Melville was more influential in actually developing the Presbyterian system of Church government.

By what other name is the church scottish known?

Church of Scotland

What were Calvinists called in Scotland?

Scottish Presbyterians were led by Calvinist leader John Knox. Calvinists were later known as Puritans since they confronted the English monarchs and pressed for church reform.

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The leader of the Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church of Christ) is known as the Executive Minister of the Church.

Church in Scotland governed by elders?

The Church of Scotland, which is Presbyterian in structure; also other presbyterian churches such as the Free Church of Scotland, the United Free Church of Scotland, and other even smaller denominations. They all have a body of elders, known as a kirk session, who oversee the running of the church, and each have responsibility for groups of church members, usually geographical. Another body, variously known as a deacons court or congregational board, is composed of elected deacons and runs the financial and other more mundane aspects of church operation.

Who is the leader of the Anglican Church of Australia?

AnswerArchbishop Philip Aspinall of Brisbane is the current leader (also known as Primate) of the Anglican Church in Australia.

This leader of the Protestant Reformation was known for establishing the Church of Scotland?

Aragorn, son of Gaemling, united the kingdoms of men and rode to the gates of Mordor. As Frodo neared Mount Doom with the intention of destroying the one Ring, the army of men fought Sauron and his minions at the gates of Mordor. Gimli was a dwarf (sorry, little person), but he fought like a giant. Upon destroying the ring, the army of Sauron fell into the abyss and the day was saved. Thanks be to God.

What is the name of saint Margaret of scotlands symbols?

Saint Margaret of Scotland is often depicted with a book and a scepter as her symbols. She is also sometimes represented with a crown and a lily.

Which religion has a spiritual leader is known as the pope?

The religion with a spiritual leader known as the pope is Christianity, specifically the Roman Catholic Church. The pope is considered the leader of the worldwide Catholic Church and is based in Vatican City.

What are some significant names in Scotland during 850-1100.c.e.?

Kenneth MacAlpin (843–858 c.e.): He is known as the first King of Scots, uniting the Kingdoms of the Picts and the Scots. He was a strong leader who helped secure the Kingdom of Scotland. Constantine I (900–943 c.e.): He is known as the King of the Picts and the founder of the House of Alpin, which would go on to rule Scotland. He was a successful leader and expanded the Kingdom of the Picts. Malcolm I (943–954 c.e.): He was the King of the Scots and the first of the House of Alpin to rule Scotland. He was a strong leader and was able to successfully expand the Kingdom of the Scots. Malcolm II (1005–1034 c.e.): He was the first King of Scotland to unite the Kingdoms of the Picts and the Scots. He was a successful leader and was able to expand the Kingdom of Scotland. Duncan I (1034–1040 c.e.): He was the King of Scotland from 1034–1040 c.e. He was a successful leader and was able to expand the Kingdom of Scotland. Macbeth (1040–1057 c.e.): He was the King of the Scots from 1040–1057 c.e. He was a successful leader and was able to expand the Kingdom of Scotland. Edgar (1097–1107 c.e.): He was the King of Scotland from 1097–1107 c.e. He was a successful leader and was able to expand the Kingdom of Scotland.

Who is is credited with starting the Church of Scotland during the Reformation?

The Church of Scotland was not "started" at the Reformation. It was the pre-existing church, only reformed.That may be but John Knox was given credit for reforming it