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Q: Who was the leader of Turkish empire during world war 1?
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Ottomen empire's leader during World War 1?

Gregory Albert

Where in the world is the Ottomon empire?

The Ottoman state began as one of many small Turkish states that emerged in Asia Minor during the breakdown of the empire of the Seljuk Turks.

What is the third riech during world war 2?

the third empire, or third Reich, was the empire of Germany in which Hitler was leader

What do you call the ottoman empire?

The turkish empire. it lasted until the world war one

What is the official name of the Turkish empire before world war 1 World War 1?

Ottoman Empire

Who lead the Turkish empire to westernize after the ottoman empire collapsed in World War 2?

There are a couple errors with the question. The Turkish Republic (not empire) westernized after the Ottoman Empire collapsed in World War I (not II). The individual, though, that you are looking for is Mustafa Kemal Atatürk.

Was the Turkish empire destroyed by world war 1?

The Ottoman Empire was in a military occupation. Until Mustafa Kemal started the War of Independence and had a victory with Turkish army. The Ottoman Empire's name changed to Türkiye Cumhuriyeti (Turkish Republic). Yes.

What is one reason why nationalism in Arab countries spread in the Mediterranean Basin during and after World War 1?

Arabs in the region wanted to gain independence from the Turkish leaders of the Ottoman Empire.

What four empires came to an end do to world war 1?

Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman (Turkish) Empire, the Russian Empire and the German Empire.

What is one reason why nationalism in Arab countries spread in the Mediterranean basin during and after world war?

Arabs in the region wanted to gain independence from the Turkish leaders of the Ottoman empire

What is one reason why nationalism in Arab countries spread in the Mediterranean Basin during and after World War I?

Arabs in the region wanted to gain independence from the Turkish leaders of the Ottoman empire

Which leader expanded the Persian Empire into the largest empire in the world?

Cyrus the Great.