

Who was the lover of Aphrodite?

Updated: 9/15/2023
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Q: Who was the lover of Aphrodite?
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Aphrodite is an amazing painter, lover, and she loves to play matchmaker.

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Ares was in LOVE with Aphrodite , the goddess of love and beauty

Who were 2 of the allies of Aphrodite?

Eros, her son and Ares her lover.

Did Aphrodite have any lovers?

Aphrodite was married to Hephaestus, but Adonis was her lover. Answer 2 And Ares first of all. Also Hermes.

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I think not. He was the eternal lover of Aphrodite.

Who were Aphrodite's lovers?

Aphrodite was Adonis' lover. Perhaps Aphrodite's best known lover was Ares, god of war, who was also her husband (at least in later versions), but is also reported to have had a go with the handsome young Adonis, who was not a god. She had to compete with Persephone, queen of the underworld, on that one.

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i wanna say adonis is more of a lust lover then lover she has had more then one child and of course husbands...adonis is also Persephone's lover too

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Ares, the god of war, is often romantically connected to Aphrodite, the goddess of love.

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Atalanta was turned with her lover Hippomenes into lion and lioness.

What are some famous quotes of Aphrodite?

"Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies." - Aphrodite "He is not a lover who does not love forever." - Aphrodite "Admire those who chose to shine even after all the storms they've been through." - Aphrodite

Did Persephone like anyone other then hades?

She had a lover Adonis, over whom she had a serious conflict with Aphrodite.

Is it true that Hermes is gay?

Hermes is the lover of Aphrodite, Hecate, Carmenta, and Persephone, so I would say no..