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Q: Who was the main Egyptian god who gave life to Earth and the pharaohs?
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In what ways did the pharaohs of Egypt give continuity to Egyptian life?

treating there wife wrong

How did the Egyptian religion cause changes in the building of tombs of the pharaohs?

They wanted to be remembered and have a happy after life.

How did the Egyptian religon influence the way the tombs of the pharaohs were built?

The Egyptians believed that they would need their bodies in the after life.

What were ancient Egyptian Pharaohs berried with?

They were buried with objects that would help them in the After-life like the Book of the Dead and statues.

Why were the pyramids actually built?

The pyramids were built to house the mummies of Egyptian pharaohs. The Egyptians believed that the pyramids would help the pharaohs move onto the next stage of life.

What is a good slogan for an ancient Egyptian theme park?

"The time of your life in the time of the Pharaohs." "Nile Islands and the Secrets of the Pyramids."

Why is an Egyptian pyramid triangular?

well the out side of a pyramid sometimes looks like stairs symbolizing the stairway to after life for the pharaohs

How the concept that pharaoh was considered god-king did affect the Egyptian society?

The concept that the pharaoh was considered god-king affected the Egyptian society a lot. It shaped there way of life, there religion and gave the pharaoh unlimited power over the people.

Why were the robbers so interested in the tombs of pharaohs?

Robbers were interested in the pharaohs tombs because Egyptian pharaohs believed that they would go to the after life so they put everything they owned in there tomb which explains why they are so big.Robbers wanted to break into the pyramids because Egyptian pharaohs had a lot of money, jewels, gold and expensive things.Also they buried cats and servants in the pyramid usually they killed the servants when a pharaoh died because he would need them in the after life. So the robbers wanted to break into the pyramids because they were worth so much money.

Why was afterlife important to the Egyptian?

Because it was believed that the Pharaohs and other important men would live on in the after life and fight the evil. This means that the Egyptian people would be protected from the evil.

What is the symbol of life in the Kane chronicles?

The symbol of life in the Kane Chronicles is the ankh, which is an ancient Egyptian symbol representing life and immortality. It is often associated with gods and pharaohs in Egyptian mythology and is used by the characters in the series to protect themselves and invoke the power of life.

How did the pharaohs of Egypt make sure the Egyptian life would continue unchanged?

They mainly made sure the Egyptians believed they were gods so they would obey and worship him/her.