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The leader was Adolf Hitler.

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Q: Who was the major nazi leader during the Holocaust?
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Germany was under control of what major countries during Holocaust?

Nazi Germany was under Nazi German control during the Holocaust.

Who was the Nazi's president during the Holocaust?

The Germans did not have Presidents as we have. Adolf Hitler, the dictator was fuhrer (leader) and reichsKanzler- Chancellor of the Reich during the Holocaust period.

What were the intentions of the leader of the Nazi party during the Holocaust?

Adolf Hitler's intentions was to create a super human race

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What rank was Hitler during Holocaust?

Hitler was the leader of the Holocaust. He told the Nazi party what to do and when to do it. He had full and complete power over everyone and if they didn't do it they would be killed.

Who was the leader of Nazi Germany during World War 2 and whose hatred for the Jew lead to the Holocaust?

adolf Hitler

Who were the major parties in the Holocaust?

The major parties during the holocaust were the Nazi party, which ran Germany; Germanic Jews, who were taken as prisoners by the Nazis; and the Allies, (America, Britain, France, Russia)

What were the top 5 concentration camps during Nazi Germany?

Auschwitz.Belzec,Bergin,chelmeno,and mauthausen

What had happened during the holocaust?

Hitler, leader of the Nazi's, wanted to get rid of other races, mainly Jews, so they made concentration camps to kill them all.

Who was the worst party to the Jews during the holocaust?

Nazi party

When was the Nazi Holocaust exposed?

1945 was when the nazi holocaust was exposed

Who were the ones in the Nazi Party that most likely got exterminated during the holocaust?

Members of the Nazi Party were not targets.