

Who was the man to set foot on the moon on July 20 1969?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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Neil Armstrong was the first man to step foot on the moon.

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Q: Who was the man to set foot on the moon on July 20 1969?
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When did man first put foot on moon?

July, 1969

In what year did the first man step foot on the moon?

July 1969

What Date man set foot on the moon?

July 20 1969

What day did the first man set foot on the moon?

July 20, 1969.

Who was the first man who steped foot on the moon?

The late Neil A. Armstrong, in July 1969.

In which year did the first man walk on the Moon?

The first man to walk on the moon was Neil Armstrong who set foot on the moon on July 20th 1969.

Was the first man on the moon from the US in June of 1969?

The first man on the Moon was the American Neil Armstrong, but it was in July of 1969, not June.The first man on the Moon was the American Neil Armstrong, but it was in July of 1969, not June.The first man on the Moon was the American Neil Armstrong, but it was in July of 1969, not June.The first man on the Moon was the American Neil Armstrong, but it was in July of 1969, not June.The first man on the Moon was the American Neil Armstrong, but it was in July of 1969, not June.The first man on the Moon was the American Neil Armstrong, but it was in July of 1969, not June.The first man on the Moon was the American Neil Armstrong, but it was in July of 1969, not June.The first man on the Moon was the American Neil Armstrong, but it was in July of 1969, not June.The first man on the Moon was the American Neil Armstrong, but it was in July of 1969, not June.The first man on the Moon was the American Neil Armstrong, but it was in July of 1969, not June.The first man on the Moon was the American Neil Armstrong, but it was in July of 1969, not June.

Who was the second man to go to the moon?

The secound man to set foot onto the moon was Buzz Alwdrin because Neil Armstrong was the first. They set foot on the moon on the 20th of July 1969

When did the man land on the moon?

The Moon landing was on Sunday 20th July 1969

When did the first man walk to the moon?

Apollo 11 landed on the moon on July 20, 1969.The landing was at 17:40 UTC (Greenwich Time)

What exact time did man first set foot on the moon?

Neil Armstrong first set foot on the moon in 1969, as part of Apollo 11. Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin landed the lunar lander Eagle on the Sea of Tranquility on July 20, 1969. The first step occurred at 0256 UTC on July 21, which was 10:56 PM EDT on July 20 in the US.

When was the first landing by man on the moon?

July 20, 1969