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John Rolfe

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Q: Who was the mother of tobacco?
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How many chromosomes are there in a megaspore mother cell of a tobacco with a diploid number of 48?

The answer is 48. A megaspore mother cell is 2n before is begins meiosis.

What happens to a baby if a mother smokes?

the baby is filled with tobacco and it has a damage of dying or the baby might be a miscarriage

What mother goose nursery rhyme is a happy monarch requests his comforts including some tobacco?

Old King Cole

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What is English tobacco?

Tobacco made in England

What is unmanufactured tobacco?

Tobacco Leaves on a tobacco plant

Who first found out about tobacco?

Native Indians- they have smoked natural /as the mother nature made it/ pure tobacco. But today's tobacco industry is allowed to add hundreds of "extra" ingredients chemicals to hook up,slave the smokers as much as they can be. The only tobacco close to to the once Native Indians use to smoke is Organic Additive free tobacco or cigarettes made by American Spirit company. I wont say- organic,no additive tobacco is safer for you,but you have to use your own judgment about that. In general smoking is bad for you, and it is shortening your life if you smoke. American Spirit organic cigarettes and tobacco is available in our store I forgot to sign in while responding to the above.

Why is tobacco called tobacco?

tobacco means killing people

What does cure tobacco mean?

Curing tobacco is when a tobacco farmer hangs the tobacco leaves in a barn to dry and age prior to sending them to market for purchase by tobacco companies.

How do you use tobacco in the sentence?

They grew tobacco in the colonies. The tobacco had to be harvested by hand.

Is Hookah Tobacco basically legal marijuana?

no, tobacco is never marijuana... its tobacco.