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Q: Who was the owner of spca?
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How do you find the owner of a dog if all you have is the dog license?

If you call your local SPCA, they should have the dog's license number on file. They will probably come and pick up the dog from you and contact the owners.In this case, the owners will have to pay a small fine to cover the expenses incurred by the SPCA.

What is the population of Alberta SPCA?

The population of Alberta SPCA is 30.

When was the Canadian SPCA founded?

In Canada the SPCA was founded in 1869.

How old is the SPCA?

SPCA today is 186 years old.

How can you foster a dog from an SPCA?

Try checking your local SPCA's website.

Who chose to be a veternarian in SPCA?

Meya Blitney chose to be a veternarian in SPCA

How old do you have to be to work at SPCA in Florida?

How old do you have to be to work at SPCA in Virginia

When was the Malaysian SPCA founded?

In Malaysia the SPCA was founded by Ruth Spiers in 1958.

How old do you have to be to do 4 hours at the SPCA?

how old do you have to be to work 4 hours at the SPCA?

When was the spca founded and by whom?

It was founded in England 1824 and was founded by SPCA

When was the CNY SPCA formed?

The first American SPCA was started in New York City in 1866. There are now SPCA's all over the U.S and all over the world.

If there is a man who neglected his horse completely and doesn't pay the bills could the owner of the barn give the horse away if she warned him and not get caught up in legal stuff?

call the local SPCA immediately. If the owner did not pay for the horse and the barn owner took the appropriate steps, she is fully entitiled to put a lean on the horse.