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Q: Who was the person who is credited with beginning the reformation of the church?
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What was the name of the church that broke off of the Catholic Church and who was the leader?

There have been several splits from the Catholic Church. The two major splits that you could be referring to is the East-West Schism which occurred in 1054 (though it could be argued the divide started much earlier) and the Protestant Reformation which occurred in 1517. There can't be one person credited for leading the East-West Schism since there were many factors that caused the divide. You could say that the dispute between Pope Leo IX and Michael Cerularius is ultimately what caused the formal split of the two churches resulting in both excommunicating each other. The resulting church was the Eastern Orthodox Church. The person who started the Protestant Reformation was Martin Luther. It is incorrect to say that Martin Luther "lead" the split from the Catholic Church because he went to the grave claiming to still be Catholic. There are several resulting churches from the Reformation, the most notable being the Lutheran Church. But it must be noted that Protestants will trace their beginnings back to the Reformation.

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He was the first person to say the earth was a globe, and not a big plain cube

What advantages did the Catholic Church have when beginning the Counter Reformation?

The Catholic Church had three main "advantages", if you will, when it came to the "counter-reformation" (better known as the Catholic reform): 1) It was the only Church founded by and guaranteed by God, in the person of Our Blessed Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who appointed St. Peter and his successors as his Vicars on earth (see Matthew 16:17-19). 2) It was led by the Holy Spirit. (John 14:26, John 16:13) 3) It produced many outstanding saints who followed God and spent their lives bringing people back to the Church.

What does reformation?

Reformation is when you die and then you are born into a different person then you have been reformed!

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Person given the primary responsibility for starting the Protestant Reformation?

Where did the term Anabaptist come from?

Anabaptist was a movement, a church reformation, the term was given to Anabaptist by their enemy. Anabaptist means to be baptized again, the Anabaptist believe that a person needs to be able to confess on their own.

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What role did the printing press play in the Protestent Reformation?

you are dumb ^^^ no, you sir are the dumb one. it helped to promote the ideas of the protestants without having each person to tell another by hear say.